Homesteading and Christian Life with Joseph Buckner

Joseph and his family purchased land in the Ozarks of Missouri and started homesteading around 5 years ago.  We talk about how Joseph grew up in the Christian faith, but it wasn’t a real spiritual experience for Joseph personally until he was in his 30’s.  I admire Joseph’s biblical wisdom and lifestyle.  I hope take away some of that for my own life from spending some time with Joseph.

Joseph Buckner
Joseph Buckner

Bob Stergos – Mentoring Young Adults By Taking Them In To Live With Family

Bob and his wife Chrissy have raised their 4 adult sons by birth and taken in an additional 5 young men to live with their family for periods of 3 to 10 years each. They both have first-hand experience with welcoming, resourcing and championing at-risk and under resourced young people into their home and family. They started an organization called “A Seat At The Table” that helps other families to mentor young adults in similar ways.

We also talk about Bob’s life and why he does what he does. It’s an encouraging conversation.

A Seat At The Table

Bob Stergos
Bob Stergos

More Talk About Relationships – Another Conversation With My Sister, Cindy

My sister, Cindy, and I talk about why relationships are important, vulnerability, dealing with resentment, and the difficulty of relating to people when experiencing depression or physical pain.  Cindy is an author and speaker.

Cindy’s book, “Reflections from the Pit”

Your Intrinsic Value and Being Genuine, with Jeff Koziatek, aka Juggling Jeff

Jeff Koziatek is author, speaker, and artist.  He strives to be a genuine and honest person.  That honest authenticity is what I enjoyed the most while spending time with Jeff.  Jeff talks about his life and growth and about the importance of understanding your personal worth.

Jeff’s book, “Blueprint For Value, 52 Habits to Discover and Strengthen Your Personal Worth”

Jeff’s website,

Jeff Koziatek
Jeff Koziatek
Jeff Koziatek and Will jackson

Helping People With Drug Addiction – CR Kersten of Adult & Teen Challenge St. Louis

CR and I talk about the residential program at Adult & Teen Challenge St. Louis, and we talk about how we should respond to friends and family who have drug addiction.  We also talk about what the Christian faith looks like in his life.