Anabaptist Mennonite Christianity w/ Julian

Julian is the podcast host of Theological Touchpoints and writer of a blog by the same name.  We talk about Julian’s beliefs about authority of Scripture, his own experience with Christianity, and the distinctives of Anabaptist Mennonite Christianity.

Julian’s blog is at


Mainline Churches, Chaplaincy, Scripture w/ Rev Joe

Rev Joe is a pastor of Rock Presbyterian, a PCUSA church, and a hospital chaplain.  We talk about the distinctives of mainline churches, Rev Joe’s personal beliefs, serving as a chaplain, and regarding Scripture.

Rev Joe

Suffering and the Church w/ Amanda

Amanda shares some from her own experience of life not going as planned, how Jewish communities have reminded themselves of suffering, and how Jesus not only healed but fought against evil in the world as well.


Today’s Church w/ Brian Gardner, Executive Director of White Flag Church

Brian is executive director of White Flag Church in Oakville, MO.  We talk about his entrance into the Christian faith, Christians interacting, the church experience, church growth and making disciples.

White Flag’s website is

Brian Gardner

Faithful Service to the Church w/ Pastor Brad East

Pastor Brad East is Senior Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church of Arnold.  We talk about who he is in his personality, how he because a Christian, and a little  bit about what his life has been like since.

Pastor Brad East