Deconstruction And Coming Back To Jesus w/ Wendy Francisco

Wendy is a musician, artist and wife of Don Francisco.  They live in  Mancos, Colorado, where they enjoy the San Juan mountains.  Wendy talks about problems she has with Christianity as it is commonly practiced today.

Wendy Francisco

Lives Shaped By Christianity w/ Alex and Marji

Alex and Marji both grew up in Christian homes and idea Christian surroundings and advantages.  We talk about that, it’s blessings and also challenges in life.

Marji and Alex

Being Gay and Christian w/ Pastor Greg Johnson

Pastor Greg Johnson is pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis.  We talk about his experience as a gay man; becoming a Christian; being in the unique place of affirming the biblical view of marriage between and man and woman while also identifying as gay; and being impacted by the message of Jesus’ forgiveness, reconciliation and hope.  I hope you enjoy it.

Article by Greg Johnson in CT:

Greg’s book, “Still Time To Care: What We Can Learn From The Church’s Failed Attempt To Cure Homosexuality”

Greg Johnson

New Life in Christianity w/ Lou

Lou is a retired flight nurse of the United States Air Force.  Though Lou has been involved with the Christian religion all her life, her life has recently been changed by it in a new way.



Racism, Christian Good News, Prayer, & Jesus w/ Scott Lee

I had the pleasure of a conversation with my pastor on a number of different topics.  We discuss racism, what the Christian good news is all about, Scott’s prayer routine, and how confidence in God has come from confidence in Jesus.

podcast guest
Scott Lee