Leaving Christianity, Atheism, Activism, Transgender w/ Toni from Alberta

Toni grew up in Christianity but began questioning that in her teens and early 20’s.  She is now an atheist and involved in anti-religion activism.  We talk about all that, what Toni thinks of the biblical God, and biological sex.

Toni is from Alberta

Dutch Culture, Secularism w/ Bas and Pieter

Bas and Pieter are brothers, both from the Netherlands.  Bas has been in the US for about 10 years and his brother, Pieter, is currently visiting.  We talk mainly with Pieter about Dutch culture and also about his personal move toward secularism.

Bas and Pieter

Conversion and De-conversion, Scientifically Minded w/ Dr Rich Feldenberg

Dr Rich grew up without belief in God but became a Christian as an adult through the influence of some friends.  After a 12 year stint in Christianity, he left Christianity.  We talk about that and his thoughts about God, science, and related things.

Dr Rich Feldenberg


A Shift From Hard Nosed Atheism To Thoughtful Agnosticism w/ Jason

Jason and his family live a couple houses down.  He’s a good communicator and gets right into the big questions of life quickly.  I enjoyed talking with him.  We talk about lack of certainty, what knowing is, his hard stance in atheism and the shift he experienced to agnosticism.


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