My Reasons for Theism w/ Will & Billy

I’ve enjoyed conversations with a number of atheists lately. I’ve enjoyed the conversations and the topic of our conversations are not always atheism vs theism, but it’s caused me to think about what my reasons for believing in God are. So, I scratched down some thoughts and asked my son, Billy, to help me to talk through them. If anyone would like to continue this conversation with me over coffee, I’d like to do that. Just let me know.

host and guest
Will & Billy

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Today’s Generation and Culture w/ Jonny and Ellie

My daughter, Ellie, and her husband Jonny talk with me about what today’s culture and generation is like.  We talk about the pros, cons and opportunities.

podcast guests
Jonny and Ellie

Ellie’s YouTube channel is: Lazy Rehab

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A Life Of Serving w/ Greg Rohde

I enjoyed sitting with Greg on his porch in a lovely South St. Louis neighborhood and talking with Greg about what’s important to him.

Greg Rohde

Greg’s website for health coaching –

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Loving Rather Than Judging w/ Roger

Roger grew up in a big family (one of 14 children) and had a major course correction in life.  Rather than live for material gain, Roger started in a new direction.  We talk about that and Roger’s simple approach to life of not judging, but rather loving people.


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A Shift From Hard Nosed Atheism To Thoughtful Agnosticism w/ Jason

Jason and his family live a couple houses down.  He’s a good communicator and gets right into the big questions of life quickly.  I enjoyed talking with him.  We talk about lack of certainty, what knowing is, his hard stance in atheism and the shift he experienced to agnosticism.


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