The Broadening Of Understanding Through Classicism w/ Dr Mark Thorne

Dr Mark Thorne talks about how the ancient Greeks and Romans understood their gods and the world, how Christianity contrasts to that, and the spiritual connection with God that Christians enjoy.

podcast guest
Dr Mark Thorne

Getting Saved in America w/ Earl and Maria

Maria came to the United States from Puerto Rico in her early 30’s.  She had a conversion experience and became a Protestant Christian.  She also met Earl and they are now celebrating 50 years of marriage together.

Earl and Maria


Making a Meaningful Life w/ Mike Hawkins

Mike and I enjoyed a conversation about making the most of our time & life, relationships, evangelism and mentors.


Stories of Jesus w/ Jon Moeller

Jon is a land surveyor in GA, but he spent years in Russia serving as a missionary among Muslim migrant workers.  We talked about stories, books, and the Kingdom of God.

Jon Moeller


From Southern Baptist to Episcopal Priest w/ Fr David Kendrick

Father David Kendrick grew up in the Southern Baptist Christian church, but as a teenager he found something that seemed more solid to him in the sacramental nature of the Episcopal church.

Fr David Kendrick