Fighting Cancer, Treasuring Moments w/ Christina

Christina was diagnosed about a year ago with triple-negative breast cancer.  She is cancer free now but will still be under treatment for a few more months.  We talk about her experience with cancer, remembering special moments with family, her marriage, and her faith in God.


Overcoming Obstacles w/ Hank

Hank tried to distract himself from childhood pain with drugs and alcohol.  He also suffered from some major health setbacks.  He has more recently been dealing with his past and is moving forward.

podcast guest

Blindness and Schizophrenia After Auto Accident w/ DeAnna

DeAnna is a neighbor who has suffered from blindness and schizophrenia after a head on collusion with a truck 24 years ago.  We have a brief conversation about what that is like for her.


Macular Degeneration & Being Grateful w/ Erma

Erma, my mom, has severe macular degeneration.  We talk about her experience with it and her attitude of being grateful.


How Suffering Changes Us w/ Kevin and Marissa

Kevin and Marissa talk about what their lives are all about, what makes them unique, and challenges in life. Kevin has suffered from Lyme disease for 10 years and talks about what that has been like and how it has changed him.

Kevin and Marissa