Enjoying Jesus, Roman Catholicism w/ Thomas Wurtz

Thomas Wurtz is an author, missionary, husband and father.  We talk about Jesus, the beauty of Jesus, Roman Catholicism, differences with protestantism, and enjoying Jesus.

Thomas Wurtz

Career Changes, Jesus and Experiencing God, Same Sex Attraction w/ Jim

A enjoyed this conversation with Jim, a fellow high school student.  I enjoyed getting to know Jim through this conversation and I appreciate the frank and thoughtful way Jim participated in it.  We talk about Jim’s career change to being a mental health councilor, his experience with Christianity, and the same sex attraction the Jim experiences.


Racism, Christian Good News, Prayer, & Jesus w/ Scott Lee

I had the pleasure of a conversation with my pastor on a number of different topics.  We discuss racism, what the Christian good news is all about, Scott’s prayer routine, and how confidence in God has come from confidence in Jesus.

podcast guest
Scott Lee