Christian Conversion and Growing as His Workmanship w/ Daniel and Marina

It was a great privileged to talk with Daniel and Marina.  They share about their upbringing and Marina tells about her conversion from nominal Catholicism to a new life in a vibrant Christianity.  Daniel and Marina also talk about difficulties they had in the early years of their marriage and how God has worked in their lives for good.  I really appreciate this conversation and was blessed by it.  Daniel shares one of his songs at the end.

podcast guests
Daniel and Marina

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Evolution, Christian Scripture, and Conversion w/ Chip Schmidt

Chip is a retired volunteer at the Rio Grande Bible Ministries in Edinberg, TX.  Chip was a doctor in the field of internal medicine.  He shares with us his struggle with the Christian scriptures and the theory of evolution, his conversion to Christianity, and his passion concerning abortion.

podcast guest
Chip Schmidt

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100% Grace & Wrestling with Scripture w/ Carey Kinsolving

I enjoyed a conversation with Carey Kinsolving in McAllen, TX.  Carey believes that in the Christian religion salvation is 100% a matter of trusting what God has accomplished through the sacrificial death of Jesus.  But, there are some “problem passages” in the Christian scriptures that have to be contended with.  That’s our discussion and Carey talks about evangelism as well.

Podcast guest
Carey Kinsolving

Kids Talk About God

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April Talks About Her Life At Age 19 And Christian Conversion

April is a family friend and neighbor.  We talk about what her life is like at age 19, what she values in other people, and her Christian conversion experience.
