Art Therapy w/ Bonita

Bonita and I enjoy a conversation about what art therapy is and how she got involved in it.  We also talk about PTSD, mental health, connection to other people, relationships and her Christian faith.


Discovering the Unbelievable is Really True w/ Ethan

Ethan was seeking for a long time with psychedelics, religions and philosophies.  After reading C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” he didn’t want to dismiss Christianity’s audacious claims without praying to God that if they were true, God would show him.  Ethan didn’t think they could possibly be true, but then he came to find out that they were.


Keeping Close To His Spirit w/ Mariana

Mariana is a wife, mom, photograph and creative non-fiction writer. And she desires to know the heart of God. Mariana talks about her love of Jesus, experience with him, and desire for him.

Mariana’s website –


Experiencing and Walking w/ God, Relationships in Life w/ Will Nunn

Will Nunn grew up in a tumultuous setting but encountered God early.  He now lives a life of walking with God.  We talk about all that, family relationships, and Jesus’s atonement.

Will Nunn

Transitions in Christian Faith Traditions w/ Sam

Sam grew up in Pentecostal and charismatic circles but has recently transitioned to a reformed baptist church.
