Agnostic, to Intellectually Convinced, to Transformed by Grace w/ Timothy

Timothy grew up in Christianity but ran into a crisis of faith when he encountered other world views.  He spent a few years as an agnostic trying to figure things out.  Timothy eventually landed on Christianity, but only intellectually convinced.  It was a while after that before he experienced the power and transformation of his heart that comes from Christianity.

Timothy now writes articles related to the Christian faith.  You can read his blog at or listen to his YouTube channel at YouTube Channel.



A Shift From Hard Nosed Atheism To Thoughtful Agnosticism w/ Jason

Jason and his family live a couple houses down.  He’s a good communicator and gets right into the big questions of life quickly.  I enjoyed talking with him.  We talk about lack of certainty, what knowing is, his hard stance in atheism and the shift he experienced to agnosticism.


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