Getting To Know Klint Oldham

Klint has been living in Jefferson County his entire life. He sold firewood door-to-door in our neighborhood when he was a kid. I met Klint through our lawn business. He gave some encouragement to my son, Eddie, and I think it was well received. The beginning of this season has been a little rough. I thought I’d reach out to Klint and see if he would like to be a guests on Conversations About Life. I enjoyed this.

Dave Powell – Providence and Grace

I catch up with an old friend who works with Bott Radio Network. We talk about events in his life, God’s providence that weren’t a part of his plans, and thoughts about grace.

Brian and Jenni – Training Children and Discipline

Brian and Jenni have 9 children that range in age from around 1 to 17. I’ve been impressed with the character of their children. I share my thoughts about disciplining young children to obey their parents, and then we talk about other things that are important in training up children as well.

John Weaver – Experiencing God’s Faithfulness Through The Sufferings Of Life

John talks about miscarriages, missionary service, health failings, pastoring, and God’s faithfulness through it all to work good out of it and uphold John and his wife, Pamela. John talks about the confidence in God that he has now because of the things he and Pamela have gone through.

Sue Chapman – Trying To Stay Above The Fray

Sue lives in a full house with adult children and grandchildren. She retired a few years ago and now watches over her grandchild, Audrey, who you will hear a little in the background. I get the impression that life’s been rough for Sue, but she’s still hopeful. Sue talks about her marriages, church experience, what she would do differently, and what she hopes for the future.