Becoming Who We Where Created To Be w/ Julia Woods

It was really a privilege to talk with Julia Woods.  Julia is a marriage communication coach.  We talk about Julia’s journey of becoming who she was created to be, the beliefs that are behind how we feel and act, relationship with God, and books that have influenced her.  I enjoyed this and hope you do too.

Julia Woods


Gut Feelings, the Questions of Life, & Machine Work w/ Ben

I had the privilege of a conversation with Ben Koranda.  Ben is a machinist, enjoys rebuilding trucks and cars and is newly married.  As is obvious in our conversation, Ben has thought about important matters and has a reasoned opinion about them.  We talk about gut feelings, God and Christianity, work, and getting out of unhealthy rumination.


Spiritual Formation, Experiencing God, & Podcasting w/ Eric Nevins

I had the privilege of a conversation with Eric Nevins, host of the podcast, Halfway There.  We talk about spiritual formation, experiencing God, podcasting, church, and being fully ourselves.  I hope you enjoy it.

Eric Nevins

Career Changes, Jesus and Experiencing God, Same Sex Attraction w/ Jim

A enjoyed this conversation with Jim, a fellow high school student.  I enjoyed getting to know Jim through this conversation and I appreciate the frank and thoughtful way Jim participated in it.  We talk about Jim’s career change to being a mental health councilor, his experience with Christianity, and the same sex attraction the Jim experiences.


Growing Up in The Jackson Home w/ Cindy, Jeff & Will

My sister, brother and myself talk about what it was like growing up in our family.

Will, Cindy, Jeff