Simplicity of Scripture, Living the Christian Life w/ Pat and Beth

Pat is from Samoa and Beth Hawaii.  Pat is a pastor in Missouri.  We talk about the simplicity of Scripture and living the Christian life.

podcast guest
Beth and Pat

Teaching, Family, Country Retirement w/ Roy and Connie

Roy and Connie talk about teaching in St Louis, raising 6 children, the loss of 2, God’s presence, and retirement in the country.

podcast guests
Connie and Roy

Faith and Theatre with Jonathan Swenson and Guest Host, Skyler Matthias

Jonathan Swenson


If interested in hosting Jonathan for an event. at your church, retreat, conference, school or camp…. give him a call… start the conversation.

podcast guest
guest host
Skyler, guest host

The Broadening Of Understanding Through Classicism w/ Dr Mark Thorne

Dr Mark Thorne talks about how the ancient Greeks and Romans understood their gods and the world, how Christianity contrasts to that, and the spiritual connection with God that Christians enjoy.

podcast guest
Dr Mark Thorne

Getting Saved in America w/ Earl and Maria

Maria came to the United States from Puerto Rico in her early 30’s.  She had a conversion experience and became a Protestant Christian.  She also met Earl and they are now celebrating 50 years of marriage together.

Earl and Maria