Political Life w/ Joe Moore

Joe Moore has worked as an attorney, representing the US federal government, and he has also been involved in several conservative political campaigns.  Now retired and in his 90’s, Joe lives in the Missouri Ozarks.

Joe Moore

Family, Relationships and Personal Growth w/ Luke

Luke is a young man of 20 who is impressive in his personal growth.  We talk about that, family and friend relationships, the Christian scripture and more.


Being Gay and Christian w/ Pastor Greg Johnson

Pastor Greg Johnson is pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis.  We talk about his experience as a gay man; becoming a Christian; being in the unique place of affirming the biblical view of marriage between and man and woman while also identifying as gay; and being impacted by the message of Jesus’ forgiveness, reconciliation and hope.  I hope you enjoy it.

Article by Greg Johnson in CT: https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/may-web-only/greg-johnson-hide-shame-shelter-gospel-gay-teenager.html

Greg’s book, “Still Time To Care: What We Can Learn From The Church’s Failed Attempt To Cure Homosexuality”

Greg Johnson

Watercolor Artist, Mary Burns

Mary is a watercolor artist who’s work conveys the essence of goodness through the eyes and countenance of the creatures she paints.  Her work has been published in children’s books and she’s a resident artist at Soulard Art Gallery in St. Louis.

Her facebook page is at: https://www.facebook.com/watercolormarybirds

Mary and Matt

Strength Training w/ Liam, Personal Trainer

Liam Vineyard is a personal trainer and particularly likes strength training.  We talk about that, protein and calories for growing stronger, and speaking frankly and honestly.

Liam Vineyard