Bulletproof Optimism w/ Chris Becker

Chris Becker has been a pro photographer, a leader and speaker among photographers, and is now a fat loss coach. We talk about his philosophy of life and his optimism.

Chris’ website is www.thebecker.com

Chris Becker

Informal Fallacies and Arguing Well w/ Ed Bowen

Ed is an apologist and connected to Engage 360 Ministries (www.e360m.org).  We talk about common informal fallacies and arguing graciously in a profitable way.

Ed Bowen


Discovering the Unbelievable is Really True w/ Ethan

Ethan was seeking for a long time with psychedelics, religions and philosophies.  After reading C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” he didn’t want to dismiss Christianity’s audacious claims without praying to God that if they were true, God would show him.  Ethan didn’t think they could possibly be true, but then he came to find out that they were.


The Religion of Christian Science w/ Elias

Elias has a background in the Christian Science faith.  We talk about what Christian Science is and how it compares with historic Christianity.


Overcoming Obstacles w/ Hank

Hank tried to distract himself from childhood pain with drugs and alcohol.  He also suffered from some major health setbacks.  He has more recently been dealing with his past and is moving forward.

podcast guest