Faith and a Battle with Depression w/ Abby and guest host, Ellie

Abby and Ellie talk about Abby’s life, how she came to cherish her faith, and her current battles with depression and anxiety.

guest host and guest
Ellie and Abby

The Stuff of Life w/ John

John is in his 70’s and has a seasoned view of life that I admire.  We talk about his upbringing, his approach to life now, the things that he enjoys, and his Christianity.


Physical Connection, Relationships, Structuring Time w/ Tyler

Tyler, my neighbor and a licensed therapist, answer my questions about my own awkwardness in physical connection.  We talk about relationships and how we structure our time.


Pantheism, Faith & Family w/ Mallori

Mallori is a neighbor, married & with two children.  We talk about her belief of God and the universe being the same, or that God is in the universe (either pantheism or panentheism), faith in good outcomes even in hard experiences, the goodness of humans, family and relationships, and some other things as well.


Friendship Among Men w/ Jay Becker

Jay founded Winnowed Warrior ministries.  We talk about men and their friendships and also Christian grace and living from that perspective.

Winnowed Warrior website

Jay Becker